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Tips for Preventing Sports Injuries

Tips for Preventing Sports Injuries

Muscle sprains, tendon and ligament tears, bone fractures, and dislocated joints are among the most common sports injuries that leave you benched. While not all injuries can be prevented due to issues such as contact with other players and ill-maintained playing fields, others occur from repetitive motions, improper form, and lack of stretching. Below, review tips for preventing sports injuries so that you can enjoy more time in the game.

5 Ways To Prevent Sports Injuries

  1. Maintain Your Fitness Level
    Maintain or improve your current fitness level by creating a strength training and cardiovascular program with your personal trainer or physician. Focus on different muscle groups every day to avoid strain, such as working your arms and abs one day and your legs and glutes the next. Exercise keeps your muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons strong, flexible, and conditioned to reduce your injury risk.
  2. Always Warm-Up & Cool Down
    Prepare your body for physical activity with trainer or physician-recommended stretching exercises that increase blood flow to your muscles to improve flexibility and prevent strain. Always cool down as well, such as taking a walk or performing suggested gentle stretches. Cooldowns help the muscles remove lactic acid that cause tightness and tension.
  3. Review Proper Form
    Ensure you are always using the proper form when you exercise or engage in any sporting event or activity since poor technique stresses the muscles, joints, and soft tissues. Review correct techniques online or work with your sports physician, as incorrect form also hinders your performance.
  4. Wear The Right Gear
    Always wear protective gear that is tailored to the sport you are participating in, such as wearing a helmet, mask, chest protector, and shin pads if you are a catcher for a baseball team. Protective gear, such as mouth guards, eyewear, shoulder pads, and protective cups, help you avoid a wide variety of injuries. Appropriate footwear for your specific sport provides comfort, can improve performance and prevent injury.
  5. Drink Water During Breaks
    Take periodic breaks to prevent overexertion and repetitive stress. Drink water during every break and make sure you stay hydrated. Dehydrated muscles cramp, increasing the chance of injuries. Lack of water intake can also cause mental fog that affects judgment and reaction time and further increases the risk of injury. Adequate hydration also helps prevent exercise-related heat illness.

Get sports injuries treated at Advanced Orthopaedic Associates to help get you back to the activities you enjoy. Serving Passaic, Bergen, and Morris Counties in New Jersey since 2000, the orthopedic doctors at this treatment center provide the compassionate and individualized care patients need to enjoy healthy exercise. Call (973) 839-5700 to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment