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FAQ About Bursitis

FAQ About Bursitis

Physical activities such as playing sports, doing chores, or performing a job that requires manual labor can cause you to develop a condition known as bursitis. You may be unfamiliar with this ailment and how a skilled orthopedic doctor can help you find joint pain relief. Here’s some information to help you better understand this condition.

A Guide to Bursitis

What is bursitis?

Bursitis is a condition that affects the bursae, small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the muscles, bones, and tendons near your joints. These fluid sacs can become inflamed due to overuse and repetitive movements. Trauma or hitting your joint can also cause bursitis.  Osteophytes (bony spurs) can irritated the bursa and cause bursitis.  When this happens, you may experience pain that makes physical activity challenging.

Where is bursitis commonly found?

Bursae are located near most major joints and this condition can be found throughout the body. It frequently occurs in the knees, shoulders, elbows, and hips. This condition can also occur in the heel and the base of the big toe. Bursitis commonly occurs around joints that perform repetitive motions.

What symptoms indicate you have bursitis?

The most common symptoms of bursitis are achiness or stiffness of the joint. The affected area can appear red and swollen. When the joint is pressed or moved you can have increased pain.  You may have difficulty moving the joint.  If the bursitis is caused by infection (septic bursitis) you may experience a fever.

How can you find joint pain relief?

Fortunately, bursitis can be treated. Your doctor may recommend icing to reduce swelling.  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are often prescribed to decrease pain and inflammation. Physical therapy may be recommended.  A steroid injection may help to decrease pain and inflammation.  In severe cases that do not improve with other treatment, bursectomy or surgical removal of the bursa may be necessary.   Your doctor may also encourage exercise, stretching, conditioning, and maintaining a healthy weight once the acute pain has resolved.

Are you coping with achy, stiff joints that negatively impact your quality of life? If so, the dedicated team at Advanced Orthopaedic Associates in Wayne, NJ, can help. Since 2000, residents throughout Morris, Bergen, and Passaic Counties have turned to this orthopedic doctor for arthritis treatment and joint pain relief.

To schedule your appointment, call today at (973) 839-5700